
Cover my heart with scratches and wounds,

Let it bleed as it beats slowly.

With bleeding cuts across my chest, tattooed streaks on my cheeks,

I walk down the emptiest road,

Tears glistening as the streetlights flicker to death.

I stare at the moon tirelessly,

Wondering if it's still the symbol I so desperately wanted it to be.

My vision blurs as the white shines down the street,

My hands freeze as they numb in the cold air,

My legs shake from the long way I've come,

My breaths get shallower and shallower.

I don't know how long I can hold out now.

The street is too empty, the path is too dark.

It is too cold.

What's the point of suffering when the suffering leads nowhere?

What's the point of breaking the fall when my knees bleed anyway?

Wilted flowers HD wallpapers | Pxfuel

I drop down.


Wasted away like the burning flower that never reached full bloom.

My chest still bleeds as my arms wrap around me,

My blood stains my whole being until I'm nothing but a crimson shadow.

A shadow that refuses to walk now.

A shadow that has given up existing —


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