break my heart

break my heart.

break my heart and shatter my expectations

leave me wondering about all the things I did wrong,

leave me wondering if I could've done it better.

maybe, if I dressed your wounds with my blood,

carved a cross onto my chest that binds my faith to you —

my soul would still be in one piece,

my heart still unbroken.

cross the stars.

the stars of us that glance down from the night sky.

the stars that spin around each other, desperate not to touch.

desperate to never feel the spark that just sits between them.

for once, cross them.

For I am the force that keeps them together,

You are the repulsion that pushes them apart.

I am the getaway town you rush to,

And you're still my home.

mend my heart.

I beg you — mend my heart like you always do.

keep me close enough,

keep me wondering if I'll, one day, be good enough.

maybe, if it all comes to an end, 

if all the doors shut in my face and leave me no escape,

I'll fix my own heart that you'll always leave broken.

Always leave stranded and alone...looking for a home.

so, go ahead...

break my heart.

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