
Chasing butterflies through the emerald fields,

Peeking through branches to gaze at the azure sky.

Clouds scudding across as wind rattles and rustles,

And I spread my arms, welcoming the air as it envelopes me.

I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun on my speckled skin,

My sagacious thoughts flowing away and vaporizing.

Becoming a child again is so winsome,

Yet, the world beneath my feet ostracises me.

The onus that upends me  refuses to elude my being,

Yet, the unwithering ecstasy of the words

That imprint on my soul and whisk me away

refuses to find another heart to torment.

Perhaps, seeing the world through the eyes of innocence

Will not stagger me into fantasy,

But impel me to a reality

where askew perception finally deciphers into clarity.

And in that world,

Let me find a place where my thoughts;

Sagacious or foolish, poetic or callous;

Morph into acceptance,

And finding joy in the most insignificant of events,

Waxes a victory.


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