A Doorless Room

I sit in a room, with a roof of the night A night sky with no stars, just the ever-consuming dark. The room encloses me in grey walls, Walls that seem to close in on me, with a floor so white, White that shocks me into a stupor. Joy lingers outside the doorless room, Fury laps like flames on the cement. Despair tends to seep its way in sometimes, But sorrow waits outside, like an old friend. I trace the white floor with my fingers, Along the ridges looking for a sprout of grass, To believe in feeling again. To believe in enjoying with ardor. To believe in being furious with fervor. But the sprout of grass is non-existent, And the despair seeps in again. Nevertheless, I felt something, even if it brings me to despair. ---~ })!({ ~--- I sit in a room, with a roof of the night A night sky with no stars, just the ever-consuming...